Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'll take boring over brainless anyday...

rac·ism ('sĭz'əm) n.

  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
racist rac'ist adj. & n.

spe·cies·ism (spē'shē-zĭz'əm, -sē-) n.

Human intolerance or discrimination on the basis of species, especially as manifested by cruelty to or exploitation of animals.

speciesist spe'cies·ist' adj. & n.

Many of my friends and family have simply refused to watch the video series that I recently blogged about called "Earthlings". They fear that the contents of these video's is so gruesome and disturbing that they simply won't be able to bear it. I don't blame them for fearing this material. This series contains some of the most disturbing content that I've ever seen, but what is the point of living in a world in which you are too afraid to face the truth and too afraid to educate yourself about the realities of humanity. It is fear that enables these disturbing acts to continue.

Imagine what our world might be like today if people had been too afraid to face the truth about human slavery. If you had the chance to live during a time in which humans were bartered and traded as slaves, would you have sat in silence and done nothing? Would you have taken it upon yourself in the face of ridicule and insult to fight back against something that you knew was wrong?

It saddens me deeply that we are ok with treating life forms as objects rather than living beings that have meaning and life of their own. People are too afraid to face the truth let alone actually do something to change it. That's why I am considering participating in a demonstration against the Ringling Bros. Circus that is coming to Austin. IDA (In Defense of Animals) will be sponsoring demonstrations at the events. You can read about the specifics at the IDA Website.

If you need a little motivation, try watching these videos...

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